Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Long week.......

This week my throat has been sore and haven't been able to even talk. Arya likes me to sing rhymes to him and whenever i tell him that i cannot sing he says "baby kovama irukaen". its funny to hear but at the same time he asks me if i want medicine and he gets me a tissue and he tries to get me to blow my nose. It is so sweet of him to do that and he touches my forehead and says "amma chooda illae". As he knows that i am sick he isn't troubling much and he tries to play by himself. But at the same time i feel sad that i can't sing and read to him, i hope to get better soon so that i can spend time with him. He has started to identify some letters by himself and he has finally started to scribble a bit. I have no idea as to why he doesn't like to scribble around.
V has lots of work at his workplace and he tries very hard to balance both home and work. When he gets home our son just runs up to him and shouts "appa thooki"and won't leave him alone even for a minute. And most of the days he likes to sleep on his dad's lap at night and in the middle of the night he will climb up to our bed and sleep next to his father all cuddled up! V is very patient and arya tries to tell him stuff which is very difficult to interpret and he won't let V watch tv sometimes and demands fulltime attention...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Cold & Cough

I hadn't written any posts this week as Arya has been sick the whole week. He hasn't gone to school as his cold had become worse and he has a very bad cough. Yesterday was our visit to the doctor's office and she said that he has ear infection too. This is his first ear infection and poor thing isn't able to sleep well either. He is on antibiotics now and he should be better in another day or two.
When kids fall sick it is like as if everyone around the house is sick too. Its sad to see the kid exhausted, drowsy, sick, sneezing and coughing and struggling to sleep.... Mmost of the kids would troubl eto drink their medicine but here it is just the opposite. He would keep asking me to give him the medicines all day long and one day he wanted me to give him the milk in the medicine filler and he said "nannairuku"! What do i do with him.....

Mother's Day

This year's Mother's Day will always be something to remember as my son said "Happy Mother's Day" and it was the best thing too. In his school they had a little party for mother's day but since i had cold and cough i couldn't go. The kids made a chart with their had print on it and was very cute.
I have been wishing my mom for a long time on mother's day but never knew how i would feel when my baby wishes me on mother's day. The feeling is amazing! Just to hear him say the three words i will keep looking forward to it every year. When i told mom that he wished me, i am sure she would have remembered the first time i wished her.....Time flies so fast and even before we realise it our baby is growing so fast. Now a days he likes to play by himself and keeps asking me to read books to him and it is a great time we have together. Wish we get to spend time like this together for a very very long time.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

E i e i o............

Since monday it has been old mcdonald had a farm and my ears are ringing with his eieio! He is singing a bit now and he loves listening to rhymes and reading books. And finally he has started to sing ABCD without any help. He wants me to play with him all day long and he thinks that I can do all that he does. He seems to forget that i am his mom and thinks that i am just like him. He keeps telling me things all the time and always tells me to sing the Barney song I Love U and he sings it too and gives me a big hug at the end of it all the time. Its fun and whethere he is tired or not I am exhausted by the end of it all. I just love watching him play and having fun. We got some bird food, since a few birds keep coming to the patio everyday and he won't leave me alone until i give him a small bowl filled with the food for the birds and he gets upset when they fly away! He thinks that he did something and thats why they fly away and he keeps saying that the birds are angry with him, which is sad!

New Phrase

8th May...
Vivek got him a Thomas the Train toddler bed, which is one of his favorite characters and we fixed it this morning. When he got home from school, he saw it and very sweetly asked me, " appa bed panni?" (did dad make the bed), and when i said yes he said thanQ, which was very nice of him to appreciate it. He then just lay down on the bed and was smiling all to himself like he was content and happy. I didn't know what to tell him but he kept on saying "baby thomas bed thachi" (baby will sleep in the thomas bed).
Today was a tiring day for me as I did cleaning of the house and a whole other things and a sore throat and running nose weren't anything better. In the evening Arya wanted a snack and I gave him some dried fruits and he was happy and ate all that i gave him. Later he said he wanted some more and I said no for which he said "get out". I was shocked to hear it and then when I asked from where he learnt it he wasn't sure either.
At home we don't speak that way, and now I am not sure if he heard that on TV or in school, whatever I have a big task of making sure that he doesn't say such things in front of others.. He has been a little quiet today maybe its because of the medicine and also the tiredness from school. Tomorrow is Mother's Day Tea at his school in the morning, i would love to go. But with the cold and cough I don't think that will be a good idea since I might give it to somebody else or to some kid and that isn't good. Mostly Vivek will drop him in the morning and I will just go and pick him in the noon.


On 6th of may....
Arya started to sneeze in the evening and very soon had a running nose and poor thing was exhausted the whole time. His nose was red with the c0nstant cleaning...He has been sleeping early since then. And today was my turn to start with the sore throat and the running nose. It looks like this is gonna be a long week and weekend for me.
Now Vivek is the only one who hasn't got the cold and I hope the cold stops with me.

First day to school

On monday morning (5th of may) all I had to say was, "you are gonna be late for school". Arya woke up and to our surprise he did all that we asked him to do and was ready with his bag to go to school. I had never see him so excited before. Normally it would be a scene at home to make him finish his milk then to have his breakfast also on time, but now he asks me for his milk and breakfast and all done within a span of one hour.Oh boy! the school is working like a charm on our son and I sure hope this wnthusiasim isn't for a short time.

When we reached the school and asked him to be a good boy he said ok. We left him in his classroom and it seemed like we didn't exist there, he went to the reding room and it was good that he didn't cry and create a scene either.The best part was when i went to pick him up at noon, he was like "no way" "veetuku vaenda".It took me a while to convince him to come home with me. He is very happy to go to school and he says that the kids in his class are his friends. There are around 10 kids in his class and it is nice to see him sit in a place for a while. I am glad he is making friends and enjoying it too..